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This book is written by my the owners of The Old Jail Museum and will be signed and personalized if requested.


While researching the history of the men known as the 'Molly Maguires', Tom McBride began to notice conflicting accounts. His readings of the 8,000 pages of the original transcripts brought up even more questions; this book is a result of those questions. The 'Molly Maguires' were Irish coal miners in northeast Pennsylvania during the 1800s. Many violently resisted the Civil War draft, were labeled 'Buckshots', and were then the targets for accusations & military arrests. After the war these same men, controlled and oppressed by coal companies, continued their battle for justice. They eventually formed the first unions to protect the miners while increasing wages. Their actions brought conflict to the region resulting in the killing of several coal mine bosses. The 'Molly Maguires' were accused of these murders & many were hanged. But were the 'Molly Maguires' really guilty? Or were they hanged as a result of the resistance to the draft so many years before? It's now your turn to unravel this mystery. You are now the jury. Read the transcripts... Compare the testimony... Render YOUR verdict!

Book - Molly Maguires Civil War Resisters or Renegades?

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